Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Original Script for Space Elevator Performance

I found this too!  Completely forgot about this:

Script for Performance: "Where are we going?"

1st Floor; Around corner from Freight Elevator:

Adam: Welcome and CONGRATULATIONS! In a moment, I'm going to hand you a pamphlet with some information on it. Please take a minute to look it over and reflect. (brief pause) Before that, actually, I'd like to ask you to divide yourselves into groups of four in order to prepare for your VOYAGE. If we find that we are not able to make even groups of four, then we'll just have one odd, smaller group.
( Pause for this to happen. Once everyone is settled, allow several seconds to stare at the group. Hopefully, you'll get a laugh at this point, and that might set the tone for the piece. Don't wait too long though. You have to find the thin line between random [good] and awkward [bad]. For example, don't just wait until it happens. As soon as you sense it's not going to work, wait one more second, then move on. )

Adam: Now then, (*clear throat* whisper the following to one person) would you please share these with the rest of the group? Thanks. (hand closest person pamphlets)

( Big smile. Pause for a few moments. You don't have to wait for all pamphlets to disperse. )
Adam: Once the first group is ready, if they could please step forward. (gesture to demarcation on floor [tape on floor]) Then, we'll be on our way.

( Lead the first group around the corner to the elevator, and press the "up" button. It should open right up. At this point, simply gesture for the first group to load the elevator. )

( Once the doors have closed, return to the group. )
Adam: Next! (gesture once again to the demarcation [tape] Do not wait for the elevator to return)

( When you hear the elevator ding, lead the next group around, and have them load the same way. You won't have to push the button because the doors should be open. )

( Repeat these last few steps until you get everyone on the elevator. You should only use the word "next" once the loading process begins. Between loadings, you should be silent. You can still look around at the group. Maybe your expression could show that you understand their excitement, whether they appear to be or not. )

( Make sure you're never loading more than four. Think of one of the enthusiastic voice overs from Starship Troopers for your character! )

On the Elevator:
Doors close. Hold at first floor. *clear throat* Nod towards helmets. Once helmets are on, press button for fourth floor. "Going up." Start video (video should cut off right before we reach destination [less than 40 sec]) When we stop at fourth floor, hold door closed. *clear throat* Nod in remorse to return helmets. When helmets are back in place, open door "Enjoy your stay!" Let them off. Close door. Reset. Return to first floor. When door opens, hold door for next group.

Fourth Floor, Outside Elevator:

We will at least need one group member to coral the group. Maybe all this person says is, "Feel free to take this time to make some notes." Gesture to them to go around the corner and out of sight to take notes.  I don't want those coming off the elevator to see excessive note taking.
All of this will be happening simultaneously on the two floors and in the elevator.  It should happen from 8:30am to 9:30 am.

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